Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How Can I Register on ? 

A: All you need to do is, fill out the required information in the�Registration Form�as accurately as possible and click on the 'Create Account.�

Q: Can I register on behalf of a relative or a friend?

A: Yes you can! In the Registration Form, you can specify your relationship with the person on whose behalf you are registering.

Q: How much do I have to pay to register on

A:Registration on Matrimonial is FREE.

Registration Form with and create your Profile.

Q: Can I search for matches based on specific criteria?

A: Yes, Matching Wala sites allow users to search for matches based on specific criteria such as age, location, education, occupation, religion, and more.

Q: What should I include in my profile?

A: Your profile should include basic information about yourself such as your age, occupation, education, and location. You can also include details about your interests, hobbies, and what you are looking for in a partner.

Q: How do I start a conversation with someone on a

A: You can start a conversation with someone on a by sending them a message expressing your interest in getting to know them. Be polite, respectful, and avoid using generic pickup lines.

Q: Can I block or report someone on a
Yes, have options for blocking or reporting someone who is making you feel uncomfortable or unsafe

Q: How long does it typically take to find a match on a matrimonial site?

A: The amount of time it takes to find a match on a varies depending on factors such as the site's user base, your preferences, and how active you are on the site. Some people find matches quickly, while others may take longer.

Q: What if I'm not satisfied with my experience on a

A: If you're not satisfied with your experience on a, you can ask for refund if you are paid member for this you can read carefully refund policy or adjust your preferences and search criteria to see if that yields better results.

Q: How do I make my profile stand out on a

A: To make your profile stand out on a be sure to include a clear and recent photo of yourself, provide detailed information about your interests and hobbies, and be honest and straightforward about your preferences for a partner. It's also important to be active on the site and initiate conversations with people who interest you.

Q: Are sites safe?
A: sites have safety measures in place, it's always important to be cautious when sharing personal information online. Users should be mindful of scams, fake profiles, and potential risks associated with meeting people they've only interacted with online.

Q: How do work?

A: typically require users to create a profile with details about themselves and their preferences for a partner. The site's algorithms then suggest matches based on the user's preferences and search criteria.

Q: What is a matrimonial site? site is a platform that helps people find a life partner by providing tools and features to search for compatible matches based on various parameters.